How to Upload Excel Sheet to Rcx Rules

Import data from spreadsheets and text files

This characteristic is bachelor in NVivo Pro and Plus editions. Acquire more than

Yous tin import data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or a text file containing comma or tab-separated values. For case, you lot might want to import a spreadsheet containing survey responses.

If you have collected survey responses using SurveyMonkey or Qualtrics, you can import the responses directly into NVivo. Refer to Import from SurveyMonkey and Import from Qualtrics for more information.

Annotation: The Survey Import Wizard is bachelor in NVivo eleven (Update 2). If you are using an earlier version of NVivo, yous will see the Import Dataset Wizard. Refer to Software updates for information about upgrading.

What do you desire to do?

  • Gather your information
  • Consider how you want to utilise your information in NVivo
  • Set up a spreadsheet or text file for import
  • Import a spreadsheet or text file
  • Work with your dataset

Gather your information

You cannot add boosted rows or columns to a dataset after import, so it is of import to gather your data before you start the import operation.

For each dataset that yous want to create, your data must exist gathered into one of the following:

  • Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx or .xls)

  • Tab or comma delimited text file (.txt or .csv)

Text files must be organized as a tab or comma-delimited field values, so that the Survey Import Magician can divide the contents into rows and columns. Each record must be on a split line, and each field must exist separated by the delimiter. The following is an example of a comma-delimited text file:

You cannot select multiple worksheets (within a spreadsheet), and then the information you desire to import must be gathered into a single worksheet.

The maximum amount of data that can be imported into a single dataset is 256 fields (columns) and 1,048,576 records (rows).

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Consider how you desire to use your data in NVivo

You cannot alter the analysis blazon (codable or classifying) of a column afterward import, so you lot should decide how you want to utilise your data before you lot import a dataset.

Open up-concluded questions that incorporate data you want to analyze are created and coded to nodes (codable)—for instance, responses to open-ended survey questions such as How do you lot call back we can reduce our carbon emissions?

Close-ended questions that describe your information (metadata) are created as attributes (classifying)—for example, the ID number, Historic period, Gender and Annual Income of your survey respondents. Values in classifying fields:

  • Can be used to sort and filter the records in your dataset.

  • Provide context when yous view coded dataset content in a node.

  • Can be used to build case node structures that grouping your codable content—for example, by Age or Sex.

Surveys must incorporate a unique identifier that identifies the responses of each individual. A unique identifier could be the respondent'southward proper name, yet, in a large survey, names may not exist unique. For uniqueness and to protect the identity of your respondents, yous may prefer to manually assign each respondent a unique ID number. You can then gather all responses of an private respondent to a single node—refer to Approaches to analyzing survey results for more information.

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Ready a spreadsheet or text file for import

  1. Open the file that contains your data in a text editor or Microsoft Excel:

  • Text files should be opened in a text editor, such as Notepad.

  • Spreadsheets should be opened in a spreadsheet application, such equally Microsoft Excel.

  1. If yous are importing information from Excel, ensure that the data is gathered into a unmarried worksheet.

  2. For both text files and Excel spreadsheets, review your data as described below:

Element Description
Blank rows Remove any blank rows inside the data.
Extraneous content Your file should contain simply the rows you lot want to import, and (optionally) up to 2 rows containing field labels. Any other content should be removed.
Information types Brand sure every value in a field contains a consistent type of data. For instance, engagement fields comprise dates and not text.
  1. If you are importing a text file, review your information as described below:

Chemical element Description
Records Each record must be on a split up line. Remove any blank lines at the beginning or end of the file.
Field delimiters Make sure that the file consistently uses tabs or commas to split up field values.
Text qualifiers Some delimited text files incorporate field values enclosed in single or double quotation marks, for case:
  • "John Smith",05/10/2009,"New York"
  • "Emerge Watson",07/03/2010,"Dallas"

The single or double quotation mark that encloses the field value is a text qualifier.

Field values must be enclosed inside text qualifiers when the field delimiter (comma or tab) appears within field values. For example, if comma is the field delimiter, and Dallas, Texas is a valid field value, you must enclose the value within qualifier, similar this: "Dallas, Texas"

During the import operation, yous can specify whether the file uses a text qualifier, and whether the qualifier is the single or double quotation marking.

  1. If you are importing data in an Excel Spreadsheet, review your data as described below:

Element Clarification
Merged cells Merged cells can cause errors during the import operation. We recommend that you practice not import spreadsheets containing merged cells.
Calculated values If a prison cell displays a calculated value, the displayed value (not the formula) is imported into the dataset.
Error values If any of the cells in your worksheet display error values such as #NUM or #DIV, yous should correct them earlier y'all start the import functioning. Columns containing error values can only be imported as text fields.
Buttons and checkboxes If whatsoever cells comprise controls such as buttons or checkboxes the spreadsheet cannot be imported. You should remove these controls before import.
  1. Close the text file or spreadsheet. Keeping the file open may cause errors during the import operation.

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Import a spreadsheet or text file

The Survey Import Wizard examines the data you are importing and helps you to ensure that the data is imported the manner that you desire.

  1. On the Data tab, in the Import group, click the arrow below Survey, and so click From Microsoft Excel File or From Text File.

  1. Click the Scan button, and and so locate and select the file you desire to import.
  2. Click Open up. The Survey Import Wizard opens.
  3. Follow the instructions in the Survey Import Sorcerer. For more information almost using the Magician, refer to the following table:
Magician step Description


Understand the outcomes of the survey import.

NVivo volition import your data as a dataset, equally well as create cases, nodes and attributes in your project.

Cheque your information format

For Spreadsheets

  1. Specify how many rows are used for your column headers.

  2. If your data contains dates, select the format the dates are in.

  3. If your spreadsheet contains multiple worksheets, select the worksheet that contains the information you lot want to import.

For text files

  1. Select the file encoding that is used in the text file. NVivo tries to detect the file encoding used in the file—if the Data Preview surface area is blank or displays strange characters, try a different file encoding.

  2. Select the graphic symbol that separates the values in your text file (tab or comma).

  3. Select the character (single or double quotation marks) that encloses text values in your text file. All text enclosed within text qualifiers is imported as ane value, even if the text contains a delimiter character. For example, if the delimiter is a comma (,) and the text qualifier is a double quotation mark ("), "Dallas, Texas" is imported as ane field value. If no text qualifier is selected, it is imported as two separate values.

  4. Specify how many rows are used for your column headers.

  5. If your data contains dates, select the format the dates are in.

Check the Data Preview to make sure the settings are right for your information.

Manage your survey respondents

  1. Specify a location to shop the cases resulting from the survey import.

  2. Select a question from your survey to uniquely identify your survey respondents, for instance a name or ID.

  3. Specify a classification for the cases that will be created for your survey respondents.

Identify open-ended and closed-ended questions

A preview of the offset response in your survey is presented in a grid.

On this screen you choose which fields contain open-concluded values that yous desire to code (codable fields) and which fields contain closed-ended values that draw your respondents (classifying fields).

  1. Press the pointer buttons to preview responses from the first 25 respondents in the survey.

  2. Select the Airtight Ended, Open Ended or Don't Import pick to specify the questions y'all want to import and identify their data blazon.

An open up-concluded question is more often than not a gratis response that you desire to clarify for themes or ideas that arise. Close-ended questions are useful to draw respondents and inquire questions of your open-ended questions.

NOTE: Y'all can change the question name—for case, to brand it shorter or more than meaningful. Click on the question and edit it. Press ENTER or TAB to save your changes.

Auto code themes and sentiment

(NVivo Plus simply)

NVivo Plus users can choose to automatically detect and code themes and sentiment in their open-ended survey responses.

  1. Click Close when the Wizard is finished. A dataset source is created.

If you lot coded for themes and sentiment, NVivo presents the results visually in a results matrix and hierarchy chart. (NVivo Plus just)


  • It tin take some time to import and process surveys. This depends on the number of questions, the number of responses, and the corporeality of text in the responses. The larger your survey, the longer it volition have to import.

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Work with your dataset

After importing a dataset, a node is created for each open-ended survey question—a useful starting point for farther exploration.

A case node is created for each respondent which gathers all of a respondent's answers together. Descriptive data is created for the cases using the closed-ended (classifying) information in the dataset—this allows you to compare respondent attitudes based on attributes like age or gender.

You lot can apply a number of techniques to analyze the data—for example, you could:

  • Code the content—select the text in a codable field and lawmaking at new or existing nodes.

  • Run a Discussion Frequency query to get a feel for what respondents are saying.

  • Create charts to visualize the data—for example if you lot setup demographic information, you could create a chart to see how many cases are male person and aged 50 to 59.

Refer to Approaches to analyzing survey results for more detailed information.


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